Hey there! So I've been sleeping and eating and reading and somewhat writing ideas and hopes and dreams hoping to restart some creative processing for the next round of learning and dreaming. My children and I have eaten some amazing meals and prepared some traditional plants and ingredients that I would have never had the time or opportunity to know if we had not had to feed our spirits while in quarantine. We learned about the strength of our family and the effort it takes to become an intelligent person, as the world continues to move in a more productive path after quarantine, we have made changes to support our spiritual growth and make our path within ceremony to re-focus of our lives for the time being. We have watched the sun set in Ute country and were amazed at the ingenuity and historical knowledge needed to thrive in their high arid environment. So much love and so many beautiful prayerful people have made such a good impression on my children, I will be gratefu...
witty blog with lots of razzle dazzle