Heartbreak at the end and sadness at the beginning of 2011. Lost my dear friend, lost an uncle, and losing a good, good, person I had the honor of knowing. Cancer kills and death sucks. I'm sitting here in the dark and planning my grand escape to a friends house for the night. I don't run away from problems, I usually just deal with em and get on with living. I'm in a doozy and wondering how to get out of a possible rut in a new relationship. Sh!t or get off the pot time. GO TIME. I'm dating, it was going well, but little deal breakers are pushing us apart and apparently I speak with my cooch instead of my head so now I asked the person I began dating to take a little time out since we seem to be getting on each others' nerves. I don't want to be the adult here, I don't want to make decisions for other people but I honestly don't want to live a lie and get down the road with a squeaky fan belt that turns into a broke down car. I'm stepping away...
witty blog with lots of razzle dazzle