'Forever could never be long enough for me. To feel like I've had long enough with you." Shoulda, coulda, woulda...I get stuck in this frame of mind and it DOGS me. It follows me and has a lingering effect on me. My deHeemp, my person, my geechnDivo. The man I knew would have seen me through my adult life passed on. People have seen him as a youngster, but I had a hard time understanding that. To me he's always been a guy growing into a man. He's always been a man to me. I've liked him because I have always believed in the person he was going to become. The man he was going to be was a part of what use to make my heart strong. I was so proud, I am so proud of what he brought to my life. 'Love has surely shifted my way.' In my own way I worked to get the heck outta town, I wanted to see what the world had to offer away from here. From where I ended up at I hoped he made his way and was enjoying life and liked what he was learning just as much a...
witty blog with lots of razzle dazzle