"...go to him. Stay with him if you can, but be prepared to bleed...you're so bitter and so sweet. I could drink a case of you...still I'd be on my feet. I'd still be on my feet." I'm still on my feet. I ended my relationship with the father of my children. I remember my life when I first discovered this song by Joni Mitchell. I was younger, childless, and wondering what a life with a family would be like. I was going to school full time and learning what a life of my own felt like. I started my 30's wondering what my future was going to hold. I didn't imagine children in my future or making my life with someone in it. I was standing on the edge of a new life and not looking back. Wading into the world and contemplating a plunge without looking back...but I did. I met someone and accepted the road that started with a new relationship and the dream of loving someone and creating a life we both kept at arms length. Neither of us knew how to do it or ...
witty blog with lots of razzle dazzle